Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Rules of the -ManUtd--Clan Premier League


#1) You are given 1 week to find your opponent.

#2) If both of you and your opponent did not turn up, you number of games played will not increase.

#3) If you win: 3 points/ draw: 1 point/ lose: 0 point (on the league table)

#4) If you are laggy, abort request to your opponent. The 'Abort Request' is only available when either of you lags.

#5) If you quit a match, your opponent will swipe all 3 points.

#6) If you lag on PURPOSE, you will be consider a lost and will not get any points in league table.

#7) No vulgarities are to be spoken during the match

#8) If there's an error in the game, eg. glitch, goalkeeper bug, do not count that goal scored. If you do, you will not gain any league points.

#9) If you think you could not defeat your opponent and dont wanna play with him/her, you will not gain any league points and your opponent gains a league points.

#10) After matches, tell me about your results. If I'm not online, write in my guestbook.

11) Have Fun!